The Antiques Group of the Westport Woman’s Club will be meeting on Wednesday, September 21st at 44 Imperial Avenue. The speaker is Barbara Neiman, a jewelry historian who has been traveling, collecting and studying jewelry for over 35 years. She is a member of the American Society of Jewelry Historians as well as the British Society of Jewellry Historians. She earned her certificate of appraisal from NYU and has taught the various periods of jewelry from Georgian to modern times.
Ms. Neiman will give a presentation, including slides, about the Duchess of Windsor’s jewels, including the historical romance of the Duke and Duchess, his gifts and the culmination of the collection – the dramatic auction at Sotheby’s. Refreshments will be served at 10 a.m., followed by a short business meeting and our speaker’s presentation. Non-members are invited to attend, at no charge.
The Westport Woman’s Club, organized in 1907, is a non-profit philanthropic organization dedicated to volunteerism and the raising of funds in support of the charitable, educational, cultural and public health services in Westport and surrounding towns. To learn more visit or call 227-4240.