Last year, many of you participated in the Home Energy Challenge by signing up for a CL&P sanctioned Home Energy Solutions visit. As a result, you earned over $330 for the Club coffers, the Club came in first in the Challenge competition winning a $500 prize and , best of all, many of you have been able to save on your utility bills.
Those of you who didn't participate last year once again have the opportunity to do so. Just having the $75 audit can help you save up to 8-10% on your energy bills. And as, before, each completed energy audit will earn the Club $25 and give us an opportunity to add to the $500 prize we have already won.
By calling (203) 200-0626, HEC will answer your questions and help you schedule an audit. Make sure to mention that you were referred by the WWC
Please consider signing up. Its good for you , the community and the environment.
Mary Lee Clayton