Scenes from Annual Clothing Tag Sale - October 2019

The Westport Woman’s Club held its annual Clothing Tag Sale on Friday, October 25 through Sunday, October 27 at the WWC’s historic clubhouse located at 44 Imperial Avenue, Westport, CT.  Gently used women’s, men’s and children’s clothing and accessories were on display at this year’s sale.  New for 2019  was an entire stage devoted to children’s clothing of all kinds.  Funds raised will help support the Food Closet for the Town of Westport, many local charities throughout Fairfield County, and need-based student scholarships. 

Thank you to the many dedicated volunteers who planned the Tag Sale, donated clothes, sorted for sizes, helped with set-up and worked this 3-day clothing sale to help make this fall fundraiser a succe$$ for the Fairfield County community.

Woman’s Club Prepares for Clothing Sale” Post on WestportNOW

WWC “GOOD STUFF” ~ Co-Chairs Mary Lee Clayton  and Susan Loselle

 Can you find our amazing volunteers during Set-up?!

See Slide Show – 2019 Clothing Tag Sale

The Westport Woman’s Club will host its annual Art Show on Saturday, April 27 (5:00 pm - 8:00 pm, Opening Reception),  Sunday, April 28 (12:00 noon – 4:00 pm) and Monday, April 29 (12:00 noon – 4:00 pm) at 44 Imperial Ave, Westport, CT.  Admission to the Westport Woman’s Club Art Show is free and open to the public.  For Art Show Flyer click here.

Curated by Westport Artist Miggs Burroughs, this popular show features a variety of local artists and their works available for purchase.  Chair Jo Fuchs Luscombe shares that participating artists are donating a portion of their art sales to fund the club’s community service grants to non-profit organizations in Fairfield County, in addition to need-based college scholarships for Staples High School seniors.  

The roster of WWC Art Show 2019 artists, whose works will be available for purchase, include: Paul Cohen, Kat Evans, Susan Fehlinger, Mary Harold, Hernan Garcia, Darcy Hicks, Julie Hicks, Amy Kaplan, Rachel Linnett, Fruma Markowitz, Mary Ann Neilson, Jon Puzzuoli, Jo Titsworth and Gregg Welz.  Cash, checks and credit cards will be accepted for Art Show purchases and charitable donations to the Westport Woman’s Club.

Melissa Newman, accompanied by guitarist Tony Lombardozzi, will return again this year to lend her voice at Saturday evening’s Opening Reception.  Melissa, who is often featured at Westport’s Harvest and Pearl at Longshore restaurants, will be singing some of her favorite jazz standards to promote local artists and the non-profit philanthropy of the Westport Woman’s Club.   (more…)


Mark your calendars for the Westport Woman’s Club’s 2017 Yankee Doodle Fair coming up Father’s Day weekend. It’s fun for the whole family!

2017 Yankee Doodle Fair Hours:

Thursday, June 15, 6pm to 10pm
Friday, June 16, 6pm to 10pm
Saturday, June 17, 1pm to 10pm
Sunday, June 18, 1pm to 5pm

Come enjoy one of Fairfield County’s longest running Fairs with Amusement Rides, International Food, Face Painting, Sand Art, Lucky Prize Drawing, Bake Sale, Raffle, and more. Our Curio Cottage Thrift Shop will be open for bargain hunters.  Click here for Full Yankee Doodle Fair Information.


The Westport Woman’s Club hosted their New and Prospective Members Wine and Cheese on September 28 at 5 p.m. at their historic clubhouse at 44 Imperial Avenue, Westport. Attendees learned about the many philanthropic and social activities the Club is involved in.

The Westport Woman’s Club (WWC) is a non- profit organization dedicated to volunteerism and the raising of funds in support of charitable, educational, cultural and public health services in Westport and surrounding towns. Founded in 1907, the WWC achieves its goals through various fundraisers, including the Yankee Doodle Fair and the Curio Cottage Thrift Shop. Other fundraising activities are spearheaded by the active Ways and Means Committee.

Community News & Events
Community Food Drive
From July 1st - July 29th, Westport National Bank® will be participating in a community food drive to help benefit Homes with Hope, Operation Hope and the Westport Woman's Club Food Closet. Help us restock our local food banks with non-perishable items!
Drop off your items at either one of our Westport National Bank® branches located at 1495 Post Road East or 1100 Kings Highway East during branch hours.

Once again on Father’s Day Weekend, “kids of all ages” gathered at the Westport Woman’s Club, 44 Imperial Avenue, to enjoy one of the town’s oldest and best-loved family events, The Westport Woman’s Club’s Yankee Doodle Fair.



Yankee Doodle Fair Video

Click here

Once again on Father’s Day Weekend, “kids of all ages” will gather at the Westport Woman’s Club, 44 Imperial Avenue, to enjoy one of the town’s oldest and best-loved family events, The Westport Woman’s Club’s Yankee Doodle Fair.  This year Westport’s last remaining annual family Fair opens Thursday, June 18, 6 PM to 10 PM and continues Friday, 6 PM to 10 PM, Saturday, 1 PM to 10 PM and Sunday, 1 PM to 5 PM.  (Yankee Doodle Fair Details)

The Yankee Doodle Fair will once again feature carnival rides and games from Stewart Amusements. The Expo Wheel is replacing the Ferris Wheel. Dizzy Dragon, Bumper Cars, Cobra Coaster, Tornado, Scrambler, Cliff Hanger, Super Slide, Whacky Shack Fun House, Merry Go Round, and Rip Cord are returning. A new updated spectacular version of the Ali Baba type ride named Rock Star and breath-taking Zero Gravity, are among others. Kiddie Rides include Quad Runner, Jumping Jumbos, Dinos and Frog Hopper. (more…)



Sponsored by:

The Westport Woman’s Club

44 Imperial Avenue
Westport, CT

Thank you from the Woman’s Club

A most hearty thank you to those from Westport and the surrounding communities who came out to enjoy the fun at the Woman’s Club 2014 Yankee Doodle Fair.

Those who receive our assistance through the WWC’s community grants, scholarships and the food closet will benefit greatly from your participation in our signature fund raiser.

Special thanks go to our sponsors: Resnick Investments, Robert Grant, Attorney, Wells Fargo Bank, The Westport National Bank, Dorothy E. Curran, Weichert Realtors, and our Fair program partner, HSBC Bank. Thanks also to the Friends of the Fair.


Sponsored by The Westport Woman’s Club
44 Imperial Avenue,  Westport, CT    203-227-4240

Fair Dates and Times:

- Thursday, June 12, 6 PM to 10 PM
- Friday, June 13,  6PM to 10 PM
- Saturday, June 14,  1PM to 10 PM
- Sunday, June 15,  1PM to 5 PM.

Enjoy one of Westport’s oldest and best loved family events - further details - YDF Press Release

Admission is Free.  No Dogs Allowed (more…)

The 2013 Yankee Doodle Fair has come to a close and on behalf of the Westport Woman’s Club we would like to thank all those from Westport and surrounding towns who came out to enjoy the fun.  While we are still closing the books, it looks like this will have been a good year for our signature fundraiser.   All proceeds from the fair will go to support the Westport Woman’s Club’s philanthropic and scholarship programs. (more…)

Due to inclement weather, the Yankee Doodle Fair at the Westport Woman’s Club will be closed tonight, Thursday June 13th. The Fair will be open Friday 6:00 – 10:00p; Saturday 1:00 – 10:00p and Sunday, 1:00 – 5:00p. See you then !


It’s always exciting when Stewart Entertainment rolls the carnival rides for the annual The Yankee Doodle Fair into town!  Colorful rides now sit waiting for fair-goers, tables are at the ready for diners from the International Food Court, (more…)

Resnick Investment Advisors,
Castlekeep Investment Advisors,
David Adam Realty,
Robert E. Grant, Esq.,
Wells Fargo Bank,
Newman's Own,
Gault, Inc.,
Harding Funeral Home,
Lux Bond & Green,
Westport Country Playhouse

The Westport Woman's Club Scholarship Committee awarded 10 scholarships at the May 24th Breakfast Ceremony held at the Westport Woman's Club.  The Scholarship Committee (Wendy McKeon – Chairlady, Sandy Atwood, Dorothy Francis, Amy Schneider and Catherine Smith),  spent many hours reading each and every transcript, meeting the scholarship recipients during the interview process at Staples High School and finally deciding who the 2013 recipients will be.  (more…)

The Westport Woman’s Club presented their 2013 Community Service Grants to a wide variety of local nonprofit organizations at their Annual Awards Breakfast on Thursday, May 23rd.  Jo Fuchs Luscombe, Community Services, introduced each of the grantees and read a short description of the program for which the organization was receiving funding. (more…)

Yankee Doodle Fair Returns
Thursday, June 13 – Sunday June 16, 2013      

Sponsored by The Westport Woman’s Club

44 Imperial Avenue Westport, CT
(click here for details)

Cost of Admission is Free


“YANKEE DOODLE FAIR RETURNS JUNE 14-17” (Click for Press Release)

Sponsored by The Westport Woman’s Club

44 Imperial Avenue Westport, CT


Enjoy one of Westport’s oldest and best loved family events.  Yankee  Doodle Fair hours are Thursday, June 14, 6:00pm to 10:00pm,   Friday June 15,  6:00pm  to 10:00pm,  Saturday, June 16,  1:00pm to 10:00pm and Sunday,  June 17,   1:00pm to 5:00pm.  Best deals for families who want to enjoy the carnival  rides are the $25 unlimited rides wristbands, available Thursday 6pm to 10pm, Saturday, 1:00pm to 5:00pm, and Sunday, 1:00pm to 5:00 pm.  (more…)







A very large THANK YOU and GROUP HUG to all the volunteers, sponsors, fairgoers and raffle ticket buyers who made the Westport Woman's Club 2011 Yankee Doodle Fair another popular—and financial--success!  Once again, the smiling WWC ladies in blue aprons delivered Westport’s favorite old-fashioned Fair (and last remaining Carnival) with great rides from Stewart Amusements, charming games, delicious baked goods, friendly service and a clean, classic venue. (more…)

The 2011 Yankee Doodle Fair has come to a close and on behalf of the Westport Woman’s Club we would like to thank all those from Westport and surrounding towns who came out to enjoy the fun.  While we are still closing the books, it looks like this will have been a good year for our signature fundraiser.   All proceeds from the fair will go to support the Westport Woman’s Club’s philanthropic programs. (more…)

It’s always exciting when Stewart Entertainment rolls the carnival rides for the annual The Yankee Doodle Fair into town!  Colorful rides now sit waiting to be unpacked, tables are at the ready for diners from the International Food Court, and the Westport Woman’s Club has started setting up for one of Westport’s oldest and best loved family events June 16 – 19 at their club house at 44 Imperial Ave.  (more…)
Come in and shop The Curio Cottage Thrift Shop, a fundraising arm of the Westport Woman’s Club when you come for Yankee Doodle Fair fun!  The shop will be open, and we will have an extra sale section in the auditorium.  Special fair hours are Thursday, June 16, 5pm – 10pm; Friday, June 17, 5pm – 10pm; Saturday, June 18, 12 pm – 10 pm; and Sunday, June 19, 12pm – 5pm.  Come browse our wide selection of artwork, mirrors, vintage collectibles, housewares, home accessories, hostess gifts, jewelry, small appliances, toys and games.   (more…)

As the school calendar wanes and Summer Solstice daylight simmers deep into the evening, “kids of all ages” gather at the Westport Woman’s Club, 44 Imperial Avenue, to enjoy one of the town’s oldest and best loved family events, Yankee Doodle Fair.  This year, accompanied by much end-of-school and summer’s eve excitement and anticipation, along with some wistfulness, Yankee Doodle Fair, Westport’s last remaining annual family Fair, opens Thursday, June 16, and continues through Sunday, June 19. YANKEE DOODLE FAIR DETAILS The decision of another great Westport tradition, Festival Italiano, to close, leaves the Yankee Doodle Fair, as Westport’s sole outdoor carnival/fundraiser  (more…)

Hi All!
Wed. FEB. 9th, 10 am
2nd Floor Conference Room
See you there!

Mary Lee Clayton
Dorothy E Curran
Yankee Doodle Fair Co-Chairs

Hi All!
We hope you had wonderful holidays!
The first YANKEE DOODLE FAIR PLANNING MEETING of the New Year is Wednesday, January 5th at 10:00am

See you there,

Mary Lee Clayton
Dorothy E Curran
Yankee Doodle Fair Co-Chairs

Westport Woman's Club Awards Scholarships

The Westport Woman's Club Scholarship Committee awarded (11) scholarships to Staples High School seniors at their June 4th Scholarship Awards Ceremony.

The scholarship awards are based on financial need and scholastic ability (no lower than 3.0 academic GPA).

This year's scholarship recipients included Tanling Tsao (Lea Ruegg Scholarship) - Queensborough Community College; Ilana Sinay (Ina Bradley Scholarship) - University of Maryland; Joshua Sweet (Emily B. Fuller Scholarship) - Cornell University; Matthew Brill (Most Active Member Scholarship in honor of WWC member, Dorothy Curran) University of Vermont .

Additional Westport Woman's Club Scholarships were awarded to Melanie Martinez - Monmouth University; Stephanie Martinez - University of Mary Washington; Rebecca Watson - University of Vermont; Monika Goldschmidt -  Xavier University; Alena Serebryakova - Pace University; Jason Bennett - University of Connecticut; and Bailey Keehan - Coastal Carolina University.

The Westport Woman's Club is a non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion of charitable, cultural, educational and public health services. In addition to supporting numerous community services, the Club offers a great number of social activities for its members and for the community at large. For membership information, please call the Club office at 227-4240 or visit - www.WestportWoman'

Orphenians Entertain Westport Woman's Club

The Westport Woman's Club May Luncheon featured entertainment by The Staples Orphenians under the direction of Alice Lipson.    Amy Schneider, WWC Programs Director, mentioned that this is a very special year for The Staples Orphenians as the group is celebrating its 50th Anniversary.

Orphenians Entertain Westport Woman's Club
Orphenians Entertain Westport Woman's Club

“Changing Times,”  A musical evening of Broadway tunes, was performed by our own Club member, Mary Munger Taylor, with piano accompanyment by Brian-Paul Thomas on Saturday evening, November 15th.  The evening began with wine donated by Castle Wine & Spirits, and hors d’oeuvres.  Coffee and light desserts  followed the performance

On March 29th WWC presented IT’S OK TO DRESS UP AND PLAY WITH YOUR FOOD performed by JIB Productions, producers of Westport's popular lunchtime theatre series, Play With Your Food. The show was a comedic performance of 3 one-act plays preceded by a cocktail hour and followed by coffee & desert. Proceeds from the event benefitted Family & Children’s Agency and Home Delivered Meals, a program of Westport’s Department of Human Services. Our gratitude to the event sponsor Castlekeep Investment Advisors LLC.

Download Flyer (PDF)

Your support helps us give back to our Fairfield County community
44 Imperial Avenue
Westport, CT 06880-4386
(203) 227-4240
Monday – Friday:
9am – 12pm & 1pm – 4pm

Thursday & Friday: 11am– 2pm
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